Terms & Conditions

Now, this stuff is important! Please read through our business terms & conditions. By using our services, you agree to our terms.

Provision of services

  • In consideration of the payment of the Fee by the Client, AGRSoft will provide the Services in a professional and timely manner.
  • The Client will provide approvals, authorizations, information, passwords, instructions, or such other matters as requested by AGRSoft in a timely manner.
  • Within seven days of the completion of any part of the Services by AGRSoft, and/or written notice that the Services (or any part of the Services) are complete, the Client must provide written notice of any defects, faults, or bugs, failing which, the Services will be deemed to have been accepted.
  • Client acknowledges that registration of Domain Names is subject to availability, and rules, regulations, and policies of ICANN. Where the Domain Name requested by the Client is unavailable, the Client and AGRSoft will use their best endeavors to create an alternative that is registrable.
  • Client acknowledges that the elements of the Services, as notified by AGRSoft, contracted directly with the third party supplier, with AGRSoft acting as an agent on behalf of the Client, in which cases:
    • Client releases AGRSoft from any claim or action arising from the agreement, or the acts or omissions of the third party supplier.
    • Client indemnifies AGRSoft against any loss, cost or expense incurred by AGRSoft as a result of failure by Client to comply with its obligations under the third party agreement.
  • Where Client purchases Email Marketing services and provides a database to AGRSoft for the purpose of providing such services, the Client warrants that each addressee in the database has provided their ‘express consent to receiving emails from the Client in accordance with the provisions of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth). The Client hereby indemnifies AGRSoft against any loss, cost, or penalty incurred by AGRSoft as a result of the Client’s breach of this warranty.

Payment of fees

  • All invoices issued by AGRSoft are payable within seven days. Where invoices are outstanding AGRSoft may:
    • suspend the provision of the Services until invoices are paid in full.
    • charge interest on any outstanding amounts, calculated daily at the rate 2% higher than the overdraft rate charged at that time by the bank where AGRSoft maintains its accounts.
  • All charges under this Agreement are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax. GST will be added to each invoice and will be payable by the Client.
  • AGRSoft may incur incidental costs outside the Purchase Order, including (without limitation) couriers, postage, hard copy mock-ups, burning of distilled files to CDs/DVDs, provided that the approval of the Client will be obtained for any cost in excess of $100. These costs will be added to each invoice and reimbursed by the Client.


  • Where the Client wishes to Vary any element or specification in the Purchase Order:
    • The parties will use best endeavours to confirm the variation in writing (with email being sufficient).
    • If the Client accepts the varied element or specification, this will be deemed to be acceptance of the variation.
    • AGRSoft will, at its discretion.
  • charge an additional Fee for the variation, based on the additional hours or costs arising from the variation charged at its standard rates.
  • Negotiate an amendment to the Fee, 50% of which will be payable on the agreement.
  • For the purpose of this clause Vary means any change, edit, amendment, revision, alteration, or addition, excepting only:
    • corrections of any mistake or fault in the Services caused by AGRSoft.
    • Minor polishes, corrections or revisions requiring less than 10 minutes per action (or 30 minutes in aggregate).


  • Any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied in this Agreement is excluded. The liability of AGRSoft for any breach of any term, condition, or warranty of this agreement, whether express or implied, will be limited to the total amount payable to AGRSoft for the provision of the Services under this Agreement. In particular, AGRSoft excludes liability for any loss or damage suffered by the Client due to:
    • Any loss or damage to data, materials, or software provided to AGRSoft in connection with the provision of the Services (the Client acknowledges that it is solely responsible for maintaining backup copies).
    • Delay of delivery, where such delay is due to circumstances beyond the control of AGRSoft (including, without limitation, acts or omissions of couriers)
  • Where legislation implies any condition or warranty and prohibits provisions excluding or modifying the liability of AGRSoft under such condition or warranty, the condition or warranty will be deemed to be included in the Agreement, however, the liability of AGRSoft for any breach of such condition or warranty will be limited, at the option of AGRSoft to one or more of the following:
  • If the breach relates to goods:
    • The replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods.
    • Tthe repair of such goods.
    • The payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods.
    • The payment of the cost of having the goods repaired;
  • If the breach relates to services:
    • The supplying of the services again.
    • The payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
  • The Client hereby releases AGRSoft (and its employees, officers, agents, and contractors) from liability for:
    • Losses, damages, claims, or expenses arising from any defect in or failure of any third party software used by AGRSoft in the course of the Services.
    • Any loss of profits, indirect losses, or consequential loss or damage which may be suffered or arise in respect of the Services or any of the actions or omissions of AGRSoft (or its employees, officers, agents, and contractors).

Intellectual property

  • Upon payment of all fees and disbursements owing to AGRSoft, all intellectual property rights (including copyright) which may arise in the course of the provision of the Service (“the Rights”) will be assigned by AGRSoft to the Client, subject to Clause.
  • All rights (including copyright) in software (including source or object code), methodologies, and other material developed by AGRSoft prior to or otherwise independently of this Agreement will be retained by AGRSoft, notwithstanding that this material may be used in the provision of the Services. AGRSoft hereby grants the Client a non-exclusive license, in perpetuity, to use this material for the purposes envisaged in the Purchase Order.
  • Where any intellectual property rights (including copyright and trademarks) are licensed or assigned from any third party in the course of the provision of the Services, the Client will comply with the terms of any such license or assignment, as notified to the Client by AGRSoft.
  • The Client warrants that any information, works, or materials it provides AGRSoft in connection with the provision of the Services will not be defamatory or otherwise infringe the copyright or other rights of any third party, and the Client hereby indemnifies AGRSoft against any loss, claim, damages or expense suffered by AGRSoft as a result of any breach of this warranty. The client hereby grants AGRSoft a license to use such information, works, or materials for the purpose of providing the Services.
  • AGRSoft may reproduce and publish material (with the exception of confidential information) created in the course of the provision of the Services, for the purpose of securing future engagements and generally marketing itself.


  • Both parties agree that they will not disclose, or authorize the disclosure of, the terms of this Agreement, any matter relating to any of the terms of this Agreement or any other confidential information relating to the operations or business of the other party to any other person, except to our advisors or as they may be required to do so by law.
  • Notwithstanding Clause 6.1, the Client agrees that AGRSoft may publish and advertise the fact that it has provided the Services for the purpose of securing future engagements and generally marketing itself.


  • Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately if the other party:
  • Becomes, threatens, or resolves to become, or is in jeopardy of becoming subject to any form of insolvency administration, bankruptcy or winding up
  • Breaches any material term of this Agreement and, having been given 48 hours written notice to rectify that breach, fails to do so.
  • If this Agreement is terminated under Clause.
  • AGRSoft may:
    • Retain any amounts of money paid by the Client prior to termination.
    • Forward to the Client an invoice for any other fees and expenses under this agreement which have been incurred but not invoiced to the Client.
    • Be regarded as discharged from any further obligations under this Agreement.
    • Pursue any additional or alternative remedies provided by law.


  • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the provision of the Services and cannot be altered except in writing signed by both parties.
  • The parties enter this Agreement as independent contractors and not as employer and employee, partners or joint venturers, or in any other capacity.
  • This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.